I've always believe in being who you are inside and running after your dreams. Gokusen is a manga that tells of the determination of Kumiko Yamaguchi, a dedicated teacher who happens to be the granddaughter of a triad group leader. In order to run after her dreams to be an honourable teacher, she has to keep her identity a secret. However, keeping a secret is hard when she is the only heir to the entire triad.
While her grandfather approves of her choice, his assistant - Tetsu - did not. He longed for her to become the next boss because she has the capabilities to lead the triad to greater heights. Moreover, he is in love with her.
This manga has a very interesting approach to it. It keeps you guessing what will happen next as you flip the pages. It's a little lengthy but it's not draggy. The drawings are clear and it's easy to understand what is going on. In short, if you have nothing else better to do during the weekend, download and read this. It's worth it!
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