Crazy Love

A simple short story about love that touches the core of your heart and reminds you of the good old days of being a teenager, Crazy Love by Eric Brown is an easy to read book that spells the first love that comes into teenage's life. Taken from the perspective of a young beautiful girl, Trish, Crazy Love brings you into a 7-days journey of a love so young yet so strong.

Trish is a popular girl in school. Her two good friends love her because she is beautiful, smart and has control of her life. Every guy in the school wants to go out with her. She is the superstar everyone looks up to while some may detest her for being such a bitch. One day, during a school trip at the zoo, Trish decides to play a trick on Denis, a nerd who no one pays attention to. She tells him that she likes him and asks him out for a date which she doesn't plan to turn up.

But things takes a different turn when she actually turns up for the date. Problem is, she can't let anyone knows about it because the beauty and the nerd could be the hottest gossip in town if it ever leaks out. So she keeps lying to her friends that she is just looking for a chance to prank Denis while she slowly and surely finds herself falling in love with him. That's until Denis finds out about her lie and leaves her.

Light, easy and simple - a book that anyone can read within 30 minutes and smile at the end of it in reminisce of a teenage life we used to have. Isn't love beautiful and innocent when we were just teenagers?


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