A Friend Like Henry

Book Title: A Friend Like Henry
Author: Nuala Gardner
Amount of Pages: 338

"A heart-warming true story that melts the core and leave the sensitive ones with a squashy warm feeling inside."

The story of A Friend Like Henry is a 20-year journey of a boy named Dale who suffers from autism since birth. Unlike the current era, autism was not a common diagnose back in the older days. Thus making it a great challenge for both his parents to cope with his condition and their hope to see him succeed in life one day.

Henry is a Golden Retriever which was adopted by his parents with the hope that the puppy would help unleash the autism world of Dale. The puppy didn't fail in offering his friendship to Dale as his parents were surprised with each breakthrough that came with Henry's help. It was like a secret key which was discovered through Henry as Dale began to open his world to the people around him. Henry has the calming effect on Dale that helped the child to cope in the world he lives in.

This novel-like journal has a predictable ending from the very start. However, because it is written in a testimony forte, each page engages the heart to want to read more. As each page flips, readers are able to relate more in depth with the characters in the story. It feels as if you are beside the mother (the main character) all along as you read from her point of view of life with Dale. By the last page, you'll feel as if life has it easy on you.

Note: Check video above for a short preview of what the story is about. The book is three-fold better than that!


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